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"Truth Wears A Crown Of Thorns."
-St. Faustina

“Jesus loves hidden souls. A hidden flower is the most fragrant. I must strive to make the interior of my soul a resting place for the Heart of Jesus.”
-St. Faustina

"Your great trust in Me forces me to continuously grant you graces. You have great and incomprehensible rights over My Heart, for you are a daughter of complete trust."
-Divine Mercy In My Soul

"Patience, prayer, and silence-these are what give strength to the soul."
-St. Faustina

"The purer our love becomes, the less there will be within us for the flames of suffering to feed upon, and the suffering will cease to be a suffering for us.”
-St. Faustina

"Pure love ... knows that only one thing is needed to please God: to do even the smallest things out of great love - love, and always love."
- St. Faustina